December 31, 2017

HAPPY 2018!

Nothing like a new year to sit back and revisit the things you accomplished or still need to accomplish.  I like flipping through my journal and reading the moments that I captured on paper.  The entries make me laugh out loud as well as reach for my box of tissues.  Going back and reflecting on the past year gives me hope for things to come.   I know research says that most resolutions won’t be maintained for any length of time, but that doesn’t stop me from trying! 

As I look back at my list of resolutions or goals for the year, I actually accomplished quite a few.   Everything was something that I needed to maintain every New Year.  I think it’s more about creating habits or replacing bad habits until it’s a way of life.  Creating a mindset should be the main goal then everything else falls under that. 
So let’s see…I completed the Daniel Fast.  I’m actually going to do that again this year.  I believe it’s a wonderful jump start to detoxing the body and tuning in to the Lord’s voice. 
I didn’t read a book a month.  I think the original challenge was a book a week.  That was totally unrealistic for me but I couldn’t pull off one a month either.  The majority of my leisure reading was during the summer.  I did read a total of four books this year.  

I did take on a new attitude that I’m happy to say has become a way of thinking.  I count it all joy!  Even when things look dark and dreary, I’m learning that there is a lesson to be learned.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t feel sad or disappointed but my response is that I realize that there is a bigger picture and like always, this too shall pass. 

I fell short of the goal of pampering myself this year.  That’s definitely going back on the list! I would like to take advantage of the time off and travel more.  I did, however, invest in myself.  Some would argue that investing in one’s self is more important.  I think we need balance in all we do.   I went to a teacher conference.  I also took some self-paced courses online, read blogs and watched videos on how to edit and create digital products.  I created a budget and increased my savings while paying off debt.  I have already made plans to attend more conferences this spring and summer. 

I did write down the things that I accomplished each day.  I would make a To-Do list but then found myself doing things that were not originally on the list.  It felt good to write it in and then check it off!  I know that sounds silly, but it brought me joy!
All in all, I did pretty well with my “resolutions”.  At least that’s what I’m telling myself.  I have a brand new journal ready to capture the moments and ideas of 2018. 

What resolutions did you keep throughout the year?