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October 10, 2019

World Mental Health Day

Social Emotional Learning

I know that social-emotional learning is very trendy right now.  I’m glad that it’s finally becoming an issue that society is willing to talk about.  It’s extremely important to address this in the classroom. 

We need to teach our children how to understand and manage their emotions and establish positive relationships.  Showing empathy for other people is also important for them to learn now.  The research on SEL has become extensive in the last decade. 

Benefits of Incorporating SEL
  • Students showed improved classroom behaviors
  • Academic performance improved
  • Can help reduce poverty
  • Improve economic mobility 
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

You will hear me say this a million times, but we are living in a time where there is such a wide variety of picture books.  Picture books that cover every topic you could imagine!  I get excited with each new title that is being released in the picture book space.

I saw Breathe with Me: Using Breath to Feel Strong, Calm, and Happy  (affiliate link)   on my Instagram feed and wanted to introduce it to my students.  It’s a wonderful book that teaches readers how to use their breathing to control their feelings and emotions.  The book gives different scenarios and offers a detail instruction guide for a specific kind of breath.  

Here is a free guide with more ideas on how to use the book in your classroom.  

How do you incorporate SEL in your classroom?

October 1, 2019

International Day of Non-Violence

  The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on October 2nd, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.  Being the leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy of non-violence.

The day is an occasion to "disseminate the message of non-violence, including through education and public awareness".

 "Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man".

Gandhi’s grandson, Arun  co-authored a book with Bethany Hegedus which describes an incident in Arun’s childhood where Arun struggles to keep the vow to not waste.  Gandhi teaches that waste is a violent act.  He has Arun create a tree of violence where he keeps track of passive acts of violence and physical acts of violence.

Be The Change (affiliate link) is a great book with a beautiful lesson.  

Click here to get a free resource to use with the book. 

Be The Change You Wish To See In The World!