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March 17, 2020

Tips for Parents Who are Homeschooling...Against Their Will

I know the thought of homeschooling your children may bring tears…and not tears of joy.  However, it doesn’t need to be stressful.  You just need a plan! Here are some tips that may help you and your child survive the long days ahead.

   1. Write out a daily schedule -This will help organize the materials needed and answer questions about upcoming assignments.  This will give you time to contact the teacher to clear up confusion about the activities.  I’m sure the teachers have given a list of assignments to complete during the time off.  Spread the assignments out if possible.  Here is an example of the schedule that I’m using with my granddaughter.  She loves pink, but I included a black and white version.

  Make sure to make a copy of the file before you start to edit.  

2.    Structure and Consistency-Your child has left an extremely structured environment and may need that structure in order to be successful with learning. Set up times for each subject area based on the length of the assignments.  Most students who have never had to self-pace their education will not learn automatically because we tell them to do so.  Once you find a schedule that works, keep with it. 

3.    Reflect and Debrief-Talk about the activities that were completed during the day.  Do you need to adjust the times for each subject area?  Do you NEED to contact the teacher for clarification? Do you need to supplement an activity with one of the many free programs that companies are offering? Discuss how the day went and what can be done tomorrow to make it better. 

4.    Plan for Breaks-Every moment of the day doesn’t need to be filled with work.  It’s okay to build in time for physical activity away from the computer. 

Stay healthy and enjoy these moments together!

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